Party Affiliation
Are you a member of the Green Party? Does your political affiliation on record with the State reflect that? If not, and you’d like to change it, click here or on the image below.
Print the form, select your desired affiliation, and send it to:
NJ Division of Elections
P.O. Box 304
Trenton, NJ 08625-0304
Greens, Labor, and Healthcare Conference
On February 27, 2011, the Green Party of Monmouth County will be hosting a Greens, Labor, and Healthcare Conference at the Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel in Asbury Park, NJ. For details, please click here or email us.
As always, for the most up-to-date information, please visit us on Facebook. Don’t forget to ‘Like’ us while you’re there!
New and Updates
For the most up-to-date and current news, as well as hot-topic discussions between Monmouth Green members, make sure you check out our page on Facebook. Be sure to “Like” us to ensure you’re notified about new events, messages, and conversations!
Join us on Facebook, today!
The Green Party of Monmouth County will meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month to discuss jobs, foreclosure, healthcare, and alternative energy. If you are a member of the greens, or an interested citizen, we encourage you to attend!
Please check the Meetings page for more specific information regarding the date, time, and location. To obtain a rough estimate of the number of attendees we ask that you RSVP by clicking here! Thanks!
A Place For Green Policy?
Thanks to the individuals over at The Story of Stuff, here’s a great, informative, educational video about the beauty and personal cleaning products we use day-in and day-out.
Want to know what you’re putting into your body, and how the government feels about it? Check out the video below.
This is a great area for Greens to be vocal on a policy level. Where there is NO regulation, the Greens can lobby for policy that is beneficial to individuals, and the environment, alike.
Want more information, or to learn more about the issue? Check out The Story of Cosmetics.
Are you a Monmouth County resident and interested in attending a BBQ to get (re)acquainted with the Monmouth Greens?
If so, click here, or on the image below, and fill out our RSVP form!
There will be food, fun, guest speakers, music, and plenty of good, intelligent conversation!
If you cannot make the event because of a conflict on the date, August 7th, please email us by clicking here and letting us know if you would be able to make a date at the end of August!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Regards, Monmouth Greens