Get Involved
Interested in joining the Green campaign? Have ideas you’d like to see put into action by your local government? Have ideas for the Greens? Come join us and help us make Monmouth County a better place!
To get started, click here to subscribe to the Monmouth County Green Party Newsletter.
Make sure you check back regularly to keep up with meeting dates and locations.
Join us on Facebook for discussions of relevant issues and ideas.
If you would like to contribute to the Essays section of the website, send us an e-mail with your submission.
If you would like to make a donation to the monmouth greens, please do so here at our secure merchant processor.
Take advantage of newspapers’ letter to the editor sections. Check out the newspapers below and utilize the contact information to have your voice and opinions heard.
- Asbury Park Press
- Coaster
- The Link
- The Atlanticville
- Two River Times
The more involved you are, the better your chances are of being heard and making a difference!